Fixed orthodontic treatment starts at district hospital Anantnag.

District hospital Anantnag has started ÔÇ£fixed orthodontic treatmentÔÇØ ÔÇö an advanced oral healthcare procedure.

The procedure deals primarily with mal-positioned teeth and jaws, their diagnosis, prevention and correction.

ÔÇ£The services will be a boon for the young patients of south Kashmir who cannot afford the treatment in private hospitals as the treatment is too costly,ÔÇØ a statement here said.

Earlier the facility was only available at government dental college Srinagar.

The service at the district hospital Anantnag is being rendered by the Dental Unit of the hospital headed Dr Mudasir Khan, consultant, an orthodontist.

The health facility has become the third district hospital in the state to start this procedure after JLNM and district hospital Pulwama.

Meanwhile, radiovisiography (RVG) has been installed at a dental section of district hospital Pulwama which will help the doctors to upgrade conservative treatment services for the patients.

Dr Saleem ur Rehman, director general, health services, Kashmir in the statement said the department ÔÇ£is focused to upgrade oral health services across Kashmir division and in that context upgradation of all dental sections is going on as per the oral health checklist already issued.ÔÇØ

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