Studies Show Rise In Rate Of Obesity In Valley.


Unhealthy lifestyle and faulty eating habits are increasing the risk of diabetes, hypertension, cardiovascular diseases and obesity, which have increased manifold in the last twenty years.


Quoting a study, a doctor at SKIMS Soura said that in India, diabetic cases have quadrupled from the year 1980-2018 and the trend is clearly visible in Jammu and Kashmir too.

Obesity has also emerged as another major illness in Kashmir. Health experts report that obesity has increased by 400 % in the last 40 years due to the sedentary lifestyle, high-calorie diet, junk food consumption, lack of exercise and sleep.

A physician at SMHS Hospital warned, ÔÇ£Overweight children and adolescents are at a higher risk of suffering from a fatty liver.ÔÇØ

ÔÇ£Due to a sedentary lifestyle, people accumulate 5-10% of extra fat in the liver. With proper medications and some lifestyle changes, fatty liver can be resolved.┬á However, it can cause great damage to the liver if ignored,ÔÇØ he said.

In his recent visit to Kashmir, Dr Neerav Goyal, Liver Transplant Surgeon, Apollo Hospitals had said that ÔÇ£Hepatitis C and intake of heavy fat diet were the main reasons for liver failure in KashmirÔÇØ

He had also talked about the lifestyle diseases common among local people lead to severe damage requiring the liver transplant.

ÔÇ£Seeing the increasing number of liver disease patients in the Valley, a liver transplant centre should be established here. We are already working on it,ÔÇØ he said

ÔÇ£Although my lifestyle is not sedentary I would still like to be fit and visit a gym for that. ItÔÇÖs good to see a fitness culture developing in our society. For me the gyms are more about burning your extra pounds rather than making a six pack body,ÔÇØ said Mohammad Abdullah.

The new fitness centres offer effective fitness regimens and workout programs like yoga and martial arts classes in a group setting. A new slew of workouts aims to foster fitness, enhances strength, and help in improving balance, agility, coordination.

ÔÇ£Youth today want to feel and look good at any cost. We are doing our bit by providing them with the best fitness resources and service,ÔÇØ said Aijaz Ahmad, who joined fitness centre last year. (KNS)

Source: Kashmir Observer

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