WINTER IS COMING! Explore These DOs and DON’Ts For a Healthy Winter.

Dos and DonÔÇÖts During This Winter.

The winter season in Kashmir is possibly the toughest, yet the most beautiful. Starting from 21 December, the Valley endures a 40-day winter period known as ÔÇÿChillai KalanÔÇÖ, which roughly translates to the ÔÇÿharshest days of winterÔÇÖ. The period is followed by the 20-day-long ÔÇÿChilai KhurdÔÇÖ (small cold) at the end of January, and subsequently the 10-day-long ÔÇÿChillai BachaÔÇÖ (baby cold). There is no doubt that during winters in Kashmir one can see the perfect blend of beauty and weather. But there as certain DoÔÇÖs and DonÔÇÖts which you should keep in mind while enjoying ÔÇ£Sheshar GaanthÔÇØ during winters. Read more:


Dos and Don'ts in this winter

Drink lots of fluids:

Most of us have the misconception that staying hydrated is only important during warm months of summers. However, it is equally important during the cold months of winters. In the winter, most of us tend to drink more hot liquids like coffee and tea; however both of these drinks have caffeine in them which draws water out of your body. For staying healthy it is advisable to drink eight glasses of water per day as it helps to:

  • Fight Winter Dehydration
  • Improve Your Skin
  • Fight Winter Weight Gain
  • Protect Your Immune System

So this winter donÔÇÖt forget to keep your self-hydrated.

Exercise regularly:

Winter is starting to get cold and when itÔÇÖs cold itÔÇÖs really tough to stay motivated about your health and fitness!!

For Kashmiri people, winter is like hibernation where we eat more and do less. But we need to shed layers of fat from our body for which exercise is the best solution. Daily exercise is great for your circulation and energy levels. Plus 20 minutes of physical activity a day will help ward off those winter pounds so donÔÇÖt be lazy as winter push-ups can be your best friend.

 Regular exercise can help to:

  • Keep Yourself Warm
  • Keep you healthy
  • Avoid winter weight gain
  • Helps in blood circulation

Sleep at least for eight hours :Working ones usually are very busy with their schedule and they donÔÇÖt get recommended eight hours of sleep .It can be detrimental to a personÔÇÖs energy level and immune system during the winter months. In fact, doctors recommend establishing a relaxing bedtime routine and avoiding alcohol and nicotine for a restful nightÔÇÖs sleep.

Eight our sleep during the winters is important for:

  • decreasing risk for health conditions
  • managing your hunger levels
  • maintaining your immune system
  • retaining memory

 Regular hand wash:

When cold season hits, everyone is looking for that magical secret to avoid flue. Washing your hands is one of them. Hand washing is the best way to stop the spread of communicable disease, so make a concerted effort to wash your hands before eating or touching your face ÔÇô especially after spending time on public transit and in shopping malls.

Add Omega 3 Fatty Acids to your winter diet:

Omega 3 fatty acids are a healthy type of fat that is naturally found in many food types including fish, plant seeds and nuts. Omega 3 fatty acids are great for reducing joint pain and stiffness as they are a natural anti-inflammatory. Studies have also shown that omega 3 fatty acids help lower levels of depression, which people commonly feel during the shorter days of winter.

Eat more fiber:

Soluble fiber found in apples, oats and nuts is an important way to decrease inflammation and boost immune system function. Soluble fiber also helps reduce cholesterol levels in the body and aids in weight loss and protection against diabetes. This is an especially important winter health tip for seniors who require a high-fiber diet to protect their digestive systems.

Eat More Green and Orange Vegetables:

Sticking primarily to vegetables and fruits that are dark green and orange is important in ensuring youÔÇÖre getting healthy nutrients, sugars and fats. Spinach, kale, Swiss chard, squash, carrots and oranges are all delicious during the winter. There are plenty of recipes available to incorporate these items into your regular winter diet.


Dos and Don'ts in this winter

DonÔÇÖt forget to moisturize

That winter wind sure wreaks havoc on our skin, so the best beauty secret is to moisturize. Everything from your hair to your skin starts to feel scaly so stock up on thick luxurious moisturizers and donÔÇÖt forget that chapstick! Also, if youÔÇÖre suffering from the sniffles, splurge on moisturized tissues ÔÇô your nose will thank you.

DonÔÇÖt get trapped eating only comfort food

When the wind is howling outside, many of us fall back on the carb- and fat-heavy comfort food like Harisa and Barbeques. However, this will not only impede your weight loss goals but also leave you feeling lethargic and sleepy. So break out of your food rut by eating light and healthy.

DonÔÇÖt overlook sunscreen

Summer is not the only time to worry about slathering on sunscreen. Surprisingly, skin damage is still a concern even in a snowsuit. Dermatologists recommend wearing at least an SPF 15 when outdoors in the winter. The glare from snow can be so harmful that they also suggest wearing sunglasses.

DonÔÇÖt Forget Gloves or Mittens

When the temperatures reach the negatives, mittens or gloves are a must-have. Driving to work or school in the morning is never fun when you can barely feel your fingers.

DonÔÇÖt forget your hair

Winter time can cause your locks to become dry and brittle, leading to breakage and severely unhealthy hair. Use extra conditioners to keep hair moisturized. During the summer, we tend to let the breeze dry our hair. Winter leads to frequent blow drying; use heat protectants to keep your hair shielded from the heat of the styling tools.

Hope this blog was helpful for you , enjoy the beauty of winters in Kashmir.

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